Engineer Girls of Turkey continues high school activities online

April 27, 2020

High school activities under the project “Engineer Girls of Turkey” jointly implemented by UNDP and Limak Foundation in collaboration with Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services and Ministry of National Education, continue online.  

Having started five years ago, Engineer Girls of Turkey is implemented with the aim to increase the number of women engineers and ensure that women are more effective in business life and decision-making.

Training of trainers was held in Istanbul in August last year with the participation of 51 teachers working in science high schools and anatolian high schools from 10 different cities. A total number of 93 volunteer teachers from Adana, Ankara, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Isparta, İstanbul, İzmir and Samsun were reached thanks to the leading teachers informing other teachers at their schools.

Since then, both leading and volunteer teachers organized various activities in their schools to promote the engineering profession and break sexist stereotypes.  

Both leading and volunteer teachers enrolled in e-Campus platform. On this platform, a social learning group for Engineer Girls of Turkey was created and teachers started to do all their work and correspondence through this group. All activities are carried out online through this platform due to the pandemic.

In the upcoming days, role model meetings that are within the scope of the programme will be performed, by delivering the videos to be shot by project mentors consisting of successful engineers in the field to the high school students.