Interdisciplinary and innovative: Innovation at its best

February 26, 2018

METU Design Factory brings together students and professors of various disciplines to establish interaction and cooperation with industry to develop new products. UNDP-Design Factory cooperation continued over 4 projects in the academic year 2017-18.

Innovative approach to demining

According to the Annual Land Mine Monitor Report published in November 2017*, 8,605 mine/ERW casualties were recorded in 2016, of which at least 2,089 people were killed. 78% of all recorded casualties in 2016 were civilians while children counted for 42% of all casualties where the age known, and women and girls made up 16% where the sex was known; pointing out the importance of safe and timely demining as an essential and indispensable measure to prevent such casualties. Therefore, Team DORA has developed DIMUS, an intelligent mark-up system, which aims at facilitating mine clearance operations while protecting civilians from any potential risks. With the ability to locate its location and position, DIMUS offers time and energy efficiency for operational processes. It also keeps humans and wild animals away from mine clearance areas thanks to its motion sensor-based alarming systems and its visible and noticeable presence.

Agricultural waste becomes mushroom

The agricultural activities in the GAP region produces annually 4,5 tonnes of corn waste and 1,5 tonnes of cotton waste. A project developed by the Simurg team to recycle that waste both allows the use of agricultural waste, and additional income for farming families subsisting them for a year. The project called Mantarhane (Mushroom House) was designed as a mobile, volumetrically optimised production area to produce oyster mushrooms, which could be harvested in three months following the composting of agricultural waste.

Technological solution for Nomads

Aiming to contribute to Göksu-Taşeli project, Aurora Group developed a smart goat product which befitted Yoruk way of life and offered sustainable living solutions for Yoruks. A leash placed around a goat collects data during the daily activities of a goat and helps identify the optimum routes for Yoruk movement, temperatures on the routes, and fertile pastures for goats through an online sharing platform. Then the data are processed and visualised which can be accessed by Yoruks through a website. Through the data collected by the leashes, it is aimed to transform the Yoruk experience into collective, written memory to hand down to future generation. Thanks to the leash, Yoruks will spare the time spent on finding fertile pastures for their flocks and use it for cultural and daily activities such as manufacture products of goat hair.

Sorting waste at home made easier

This project in partnership with UNDP aims to develop a system design, including the use of technological products for the urban management of waste, already an environmental and social problem. Smart waste bins have been designed with the aim of including the consumers in the waste management process, make them a part of the management chain and establish domestic sorting of waste as a preferred solution. A solidarity network has also been built which would inform and positively support the consumers in every phase of the waste management through a mobile application designed in digital environment. The so-called WA[RE] is an integrated system design that will make the consumers active participants in waste management by a waste bin which, through five components inspired by its name, will contribute to sustainability and recycling, and be useable in such non-domestic places as hospitals and schools.