Study Visit Paid to Germany Aachen for Digital Supply Chain Management

November 1, 2018

A study visit was organized to Aachen, Germany with the theme of “Digitalization at the Company Level and Digital Supply Chain Management” within the context of “The Support to Development of a Policy Framework on Total Factor Productivity Project”.

Digitalization was the focus

It has been decided to organize the third study visit within the scope of “Digital Supply Chain in Ready Made Garment Sector Platform” Pilot Project with the theme “Digitalization at the Company Level and Digital Supply Chain Management”. The aim of the study visit was to promote usage of innovative goods and services, inducing innovation by specifying levels of performance and functionality that are not achievable with ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions and hence require an innovation to meet the demand.

Fruitful workshops

The visit brought together the Turkish and German officials and experts from the relevant field in fruitful workshops.  Within the workshops, the participants were informed about industry 4.0 in general and get an insight about industry 4.0 possibilities along the value chain. They experienced the lean production-stage in production facility and learn improvement with digitization to increase efficiency in the production and related areas. The participants also benefited the opportunity to learn and understand to increase operational effectiveness with automation and support of manual labor, digital workflows, M2M communication, big data, sensors and automated data collection.

Awareness created on digital platform strategies

Overall, study visit supported the Pilot project about the structuring of the Platform with the right roles and capabilities for the future and raised awareness of the participants from basic lean production to advanced digital tools as well as digital platform strategies.

Field Study Time for Value Chain Analysis

Field studies on value chain analysis accelerates within the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.

Training first, then field study

Within the scope of the project, development, value chain concepts, regional development and value chain analysis were focused on in the Value Chain Analysis training which was held in June. In addition to these concepts; industrial mapping, product segmentation, market trend analysis and product life cycle analysis were also delivered to the participants.

Intensive activities along September and October

The field study phase following the training was launched in September. Following the 5-day “Kayseri Electrical Household Appliances Value Chain Analysis Field Study” the studies were completed for the implementation of the Value Chain Analysis Module through field studies throughout October. A workshop is planned with the participation of sector stakeholders at the end of the field studies.

Second Meeting Held for Digital Supply Chain Platform in Apparel Sector

The second of the meetings for Digital Supply Chain Platform was held within the context of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.

Hosted by IHKIB

The meeting was hosted by Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association  (İHKİB) under the Project,  which is financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of Strategy and Budget and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Meeting for Digital Supply Chain Platform for the second time

A search conference has been organized to determine the sectoral needs and field surveys, quantitative analyzes and stakeholder meetings has conducted as well. As a result of these efforts, the need for a new digital supply chain that could bring together the apparel sector stakeholders was identified. During the meeting held on 3 September, the content and future of Platform design was evaluated.

Need for software development and elaboration of design documents

In line with the opinions and consultations in previous meetings, the structure required for the digital transformation of the sector’s value chain was decided to be a “Platform”. In this meeting, a consensus was reached to focus on both software development and elaboration of Platform design documents in the remaining period of the project.

Ecosystem Pilot Applications Completed Successfully

Ecosystem Pilots are completed after the activities held in July, August and September within the context of the “Support to Development of a Policy Framework for Total Factor Productivity in Turkey Project”, which is financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of Strategy and Budget and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Theories were applied

Within the scope of the project, pilot programs were started to be implemented following the Ecosystem Analysis training for Development Agencies in Ankara between July 2-5. The Pilot implementations were applied in 2 parts following that training, which included the conceptual framework, regional R & D and components of innovation ecosystems.

Hosted by BEBKA

Bursa Eskişehir Bilecik Development Agency (BEBKA) hosted the event, in which the Ecosystem Analysis Road Map for development Agencies was used as a guide. Basic subjects such as the determination of the working group and method, determination of primary data, data demand and management system, data collection and visualization, data analysis and writing analysis reprt activities have been focused on.

“R Programming Language” for Data Analysis Training Series Completed

“R programming language” training series were completed successfully within the context of the “Support to Development of a Policy Framework for Total Factor Productivity in Turkey Project”, which is financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of Strategy and Budget and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

R Programming Language training

The training series on “R programming language”, one of the languages used in the field of data analysis, were held between July and October. In the training series, delivered by İnan Utku Türkmen from TED University, key issues in the area of data analysis, which have gained importance in parallel with the internet and information technologies in recent years, were discussed.

Many topics from business analytics to data mining

In the training programme delivered in Ankara, efficient information sharing was provided on topics such as business analytics and data mining, information processing, information classification problems and data structures. The participants are intended to learn R language better and benefit from it in their fields regarding data analysis within the scope of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.

Research-Technology Development-Innovation Processes in Turkey Were Evaluated in a Workshop

Suggestions that may be effective in research -technology development-innovation (RTDI) processes in Turkey were evaluated at the workshop within the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.

Examples analyzed from Germany

Mr Mahmut Kiper was the moderator of the workshop, which was held on 24 September at Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV). Examples from Germany were focused on during the “Workshop on the Suggestions for Interface Institutions That Can Be Effective in Turkey’s RTDI Processes”. At the workshop it aimed to determine the deficiencies observed in Turkey upon two structures – Fraunhofer and DFKI institutions -that are important for Germany’s innovation system.

Obstacles and issues discussed

Fruitful discussions were carried out at the workshop on general policy, strategy and organization-based barriers, cultural and legal issues, capacity, relationships, networking, on interdisciplinary research challenges and obstacles which effect on the lack of similar interface in Turkey.

Scientific Committee Convened for White Paper

The White Paper that is close to completion stage was presented to the opinions and contributions of the Scientific Committee within the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.

The second Scientific Committee Meeting was held on Friday, 12 October in Istanbul. The meeting was held with the members of the Scientific Committee consisting of leading academics and experts from TEKPOL, Boğaziçi, Sabancı and Hacettepe Universities, with the aim of getting support and ideas on technical and conceptual issues related to the Project. Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of Strategy and Budget, TTGV and Project officials also participated in the meeting

Different presentations were made along with the White Book

The meeting was held in order to get technical and conceptual support and ideas on the “White Paper”, which is the final output of the Project that includes the final policy framework. Presentations were also delivered on Application of German Artificial Intelligence Researches to the Interfaces in Turkey and Sustainable Development Goals & Total Factor Productivity relations. . In addition, information was given about the pilot studies carried out within the scope of the Project.

To be shared with the public in November

After the presentations, the members of the Scientific Committee shared their general opinions and contributions to the White Paper. It is envisaged that the White Paper will be revised upon these contributions and shared with the public in November.

Meetings Completed for Composite Industry Road Maps

Recommendations on the roadmap for the use of carbon fiber was determined by a series of meetings within the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.

Group meetings as part of the pilot project

A Pilot project was launched within the TFP Project and under the leadership of Composite Manufacturers Association with leading industrialists and SMEs in Turkey, to setup a roadmap for the use of carbon fiber. Group meetings on Manufacturing, Materials, Policy and Strategy and Market Analysis and Development were held on September 4-5, 2018 in Istanbul Fashion Academy in order to detail and shape the work carried out within the scope of the pilot project and to bring it to the final stage.

Roadmap suggestions created

The main purpose of the meeting was determined as comparing the studies to improve the sector in the light of global reports and preparing project output report. In four separate meetings, the participants exchanged views on developing roadmaps for Manufacturing, Materials, Policy and Strategy and Market Analysis and Development groups for the production of high-tech products based on carbon fiber.